Brute force would probably be an easier route. You did not use the same light settings in the scene you shared, compared to the published image. I just wanted to try Lukas denoiser on that scene. In Cycles the scenes that suffer most with respect to the noise, are interior scenes. You should try complex interior scenes to really see which means to suffer noise.
This is probably regarded as complete overkill - but it works for me!! In some cases now e. This first image was rendered with samples without Denoise enabled render time about 20 minutes :. This second image was rendered with samples and Denoise enabled default settings render time about 2 minutes.
Some scenes don't need that many, you can get away with dropping it down to 64 or Some are worse than others, so , , or even AA looks better. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams?
Learn more. What amount of samples to use? Ask Question. Asked 4 years, 10 months ago. Active 3 years ago. Viewed 93k times. Rendering a single frame took 12 hours : Am I missing something completely? After you have done all this you can render your animation by clicking on the animation button at the top of the render tab. If you have rendered your animation into JPG files, you will need to join all of them together.
All of the JPG files of your animation are called an image sequence. Click on the image button in the add menu, then navigate into where you image sequence is stored and select all the files. This time your animation will render in a couple of seconds, because it is just joining the already rendered images. I hope you have learned something about the best Blender render settings with this article, and that you have the best of luck with your new renders.
Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Still Renders For your still renders a very important part of your image is the camera size. Liked this article? Take a second to support us on Patreon! For instance we can composite an object over a different background or we can use this to render a decal that we later can use as part of a material. Another example is to render a treeline or similar assets.
I touch on this briefly in the sapling add-on article found here:. Related content: How to create realistic 3D trees with the sapling add-on and Blender. With the transparent subsection enabled we also get the option to also render glass transparent. This allow us to render glass over other surfaces. The roughness threshold will dictate at what roughness level the breakpoint is and we render the original color instead.
Let's head back to the top of this section and cover exposure. The exposure setting decides the brightness of an image. It allows us to either boost or decrease the overall brightness of the scene. We find this same setting in the color management tab. The difference here is that the exposure from the film section applies to the data of the image while the color management exposure applies to the view.
We won't see the difference in Blender since we work with both the data itself and the view. The difference becomes apparent when we separate the view from the data. We can do this by saving to different file formats. If we save the render as a file format that is intended as a final product, such as a jpeg, we will get the color management applied and therefore also the color management exposure.
But if we export to a file format that is intended for continual work such as OpenEXR we will only export the data and the color management exposure setting won't be part of the export. The difference is subtle, but important if you intend to do additional processing in another software. At last we have the pixel filter setting. This has to do with anti-aliasing. The feature that blurs edges and areas with contrast for a more natural result, hiding the jagged edge between pixels.
The default Blackman-Harris algorithm creates a natural anti-aliasing with a balance between detail and softness. Gaussian is a softer alternative while box is disabling the pixel filter. The pixel filter width decides how wide the effect stretches between contrasting pixels. The performance section has several subsections, this time, we will start from the top where we find threads.
This section is only applicable to CPU rendering and we can change how many of the available cores and threads we will use for rendering. By default, Blender will auto-detect and use all cores. But we can change this to fixed and set the number of cores to allocate.
This is most useful if we intend to use the computer while we are rendering, leaving some computing power left for other tasks. In the tiles subsection we can set the tile size. We handle an array of pixels to compute for each computational unit. Either for each graphics card or for each CPU core. The tile X and tile Y values will decide how large each chunk should be that is handled at a time by each computational unit.
As a tile finished rendering the computational unit will be allocated a new tile of the same size until the whole image is rendered. For GPU you can try either x or x as starting points and for CPU, 64x64 or even 32x32 are good sizes to start with. Keep in mind that the scene and your specific computational unit may have a very specific ideal tile size, but the general rule is often good enough for most daily use.
We can also set the order that tiles get picked. As far as I know there is no performance impact here. Instead it's just a matter of taste. The last setting in this section is progressive refine. We explained this earlier.
But what it does is that it allows us to render the whole image at once instead of a tile at a time. This way we don't have a predefined number of samples, instead samples are counted until the render is manually cancelled. This is a good option if you want to leave a render overnight.
For animations, this setting will make it so that we render the entire frame at a time, but it won't render each frame until manually cancelled. Instead it will use the sample count as normal. This is an advanced section that I don't fully understand, but I will do my best to explain what I know. Let's start with Spatial Splits. The information that I found was that it is based on this paper from NVidia. External Content: Nvidia Spatial split paper. In this paper they prove that spatial split renders faster in all their test cases.
But there are two parts to a render, the build phase, and the sampling phase. In the build phase Blender uses something called BVH Bounding volume hierarchy to split up and divide the scene to quickly find each object and see if a ray hit or miss objects during rendering.
My understanding here is that traditional BVH is a more "brute force" way of quickly dividing up a scene that in different cases end up with a lot of overlap that needs to be sorted through during the sampling phase. Spatial split uses another algorithm that is more computational heavy, making the build phase take longer but, in the end, we have a BVH that overlaps significantly less making the sampling phase of rendering quicker. When spatial split was first introduced in Blender it did not use multi-threading to calculate the BVH, so it was still slower than the traditional BVH in most cases.
However, spatial splits were multi-threaded quite some time ago and shouldn't have this downside anymore. External source: developer. However, it is still a slower build time and my understanding is that the build time is always calculated on the CPU so if you have a fast graphics card and a relatively slower CPU like me, the difference is going to be pretty small since you move workload from the GPU to the CPU in a sense. My own conclusion is this: Use spatial splits for complex single renders where the sampling part of the render process is long if the performance between CPU and GPU is close enough to each other.
For simpler scenes, there is no need, because the build time will be so short you won't notice the difference. For animations, Blender will rebuild the BVH between each frame, so the build time is as important as the sampling and we have much more wiggle room when it comes to improving the sampling as opposed to the build time.
The next setting is Use hair BVH. My understanding of this is that if you have a lot of hair in your scene, disabling this can reduce the memory usage while rendering at the cost of performance. In other words, use this if your scene has a lot of hair and you can't render it because the scene uses too much memory. The last setting in this section is BVH time step. This setting was introduced in Blender version 2.
You can find out more in this article. It is an older article benchmarking version 2. This may or may not be true any longer since much has happened to Cycles since then. But in short, the longer motion blur trails and the more complex the scene is the higher BVH time steps. A value of 2 or 3 seems to be good according to the article above. Here we find two settings, save buffers and persistent images.
Information about these are scarce on the Internet and the information you find about them is often old. After some research and testing, this is what I found. Let's start with Save buffers. When turned on, Blender will save each rendered frame to the temporary directory instead of just keeping them in RAM.
It will then read the image back from the temporary location. This is supposed to save memory during rendering if using many passes and view layers. This is the location these files will go to.
They will end up in a sub-folder called blender followed by a random number. Inside the folder each render is saved as an exr file named after the blend file, scene, and view layer. These folders do not persist. They are limited to the current session. If Blender closes properly, Blender will delete this folder as part of the cleanup process before shutting down. Even if these files are loaded back into Blender, we still use the Layer node in the compositor to access them, just like we would without save buffers enabled.
Persistent images will tell Blender to keep loaded textures in RAM after a render has finished. This way, when we re-render, Cycles won't have to load those images again, saving some time during the build process while rendering. The downside is that between renders, Blender will use a whole lot more RAM than it usually does and potentially limiting RAM availability for other tasks between renders.