The NLRA lists the types of violations of law by employer conduct that is illegal. In summary they are:. If the employer intimidates or interferes with a union floor representative from doing his or her job, there could be a violation.
Similarly, if the employer targets, harasses, or disciplines a union member for union activity, a violation may have occurred. If the employer unilaterally changes a condition of employment meaning without formally bargaining with the union involving a mandatory subject of bargaining, a violation occurs.
Such a unilateral change may be the imposition of a new tracking device on nurses without negotiating with the union. Read More. What Are My Rights? Protect Employees The law we enforce gives employees the right to act together to try to improve their pay and working conditions, with or without a union.
My Account Portal. National Labor Relations Board. View Your Dashboard. Chet Martin Pundit. Can my boss talk to other employees about me? However, employers should also maintain strict confidentiality concerning employee status, pay, performance and medical related information to the extent possible. With few exceptions, employers shouldn't engage in discussions about other employees or disclosures concerning employees with their coworkers.
Jing Moret Pundit. Do companies have to allow unions? Employers , like all citizens in the United States, have the right to free speech. Although employers cannot prevent unions from soliciting to their employees or punish employees for supporting a union , employers can express their disproval of labor unions to employees.
Employers also have the right to fair bargaining. Dawne De Luis Teacher. What does fair representation? Fair representation refers to the legal commitment of the union's representatives and their obligation to represent all employees fairly, in good faith and without discrimination and negligence. It gives every employee an equal opportunity to be represented in front of the company.
Rababe Timlin Teacher. Who regulates labor unions? Labor unions secured the legal right to represent employees in their relationships with their employers when the National Labor Relations Act NLRA , passed in Margarida Donet Teacher.
Why are unions formed? Labor unions were created in order to help the workers with work-related difficulties such as low pay, unsafe or unsanitary working conditions, long hours, and other situations. Workers often had problems with their bosses as a result of membership in the unions.
Alimou Fota Teacher. Regional offices investigate and prosecute alleged violations of the Act under the authority of the General Counsel.
The Board has five Members and primarily acts as a quasi-judicial body in deciding cases on the basis of formal records in administrative proceedings. Board Members are appointed by the President to 5-year terms, with Senate consent, the term of one Member expiring each year. The General Counsel, appointed by the President to a 4-year term, is independent from the Board and is responsible for the investigation and prosecution of unfair labor practice cases and for the general supervision of the NLRB field offices in the processing of cases.