How long did that go on? The wandering and frustration lasted 38 years! And they never got in. Moses got a glimpse of the Promised Land, but even he died in the desert. The law gives you a view of the blessed life that God calls you to lead. But only Jesus can bring you into that life. Also, send me special offers. Anxious Bench. The Great Resignation. Top 7 Bible Verses About Welcoming Christian Crier. Related posts from Christian Crier.
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Charles This post is the first in a new blog of mine: Take Climate catastrophe? Derwin L. Gray on the Multiethnic Community: Living How does it work? Let's begin with Romans Grace is a free gift-it is being given a free, undeserved gift. It is "the free gift" principle of Romans Law does not give anyone a gift: it requires performance to be given to it. Grace, on the other hand, gives the gift to us-"The gift by grace" Romans It's a gift-and it's ours!
What we would have to work for to gain under the law God gives to us as a free gift by His Grace. Although II Chronicles is often used as a remedy for social ill in our day, remember: This is not a description of how God deals with people or nations in the dispensation of grace. Thus trying to obey this verse today will not make any difference to God.
Grace is the system of operating whereby in Christ-because of His finished, all sufficient work at Calvary-God can freely give us all things. By God's grace the instant we rely exclusively upon Christ and is finished work at Calvary for our salvation, we are baptized by the Holy Spirit "into Christ" I Corinthians , Romans , Galatians 3.
God's grace bestows upon us as a free gift an absolutely perfect and complete standing in Christ Jesus-it's a gift and we receive the whole package at the start!
The law is a performance system a system of conditional blessings. Grace is a free-gift system a system of unconditional blessing. Under the law principle, blessings are received and curses avoided based on proper adherence to a prescribed set of standards and expectations. Under grace, blessings are fully given as a free gift.
It is little wonder, then, that Romans so clearly states the impossibility of these two principles co-existing:. At this point someone usually will begin to object: "If by grace we have this wonderful position in Christ and have already received all these spiritual blessings and already stand perfect and complete in the merits of God's Son and nothing else--what about good works?
It is amazing how self refuses to be left out of the picture! In fact, all of religion is designed to insert us--our efforts ,and our merit-into the picture. It is noteworthy that in all of history God has given only one religion-and He gave it to the nation Israel. If we are careful to understand and believe what He says about the fruit of that religion-the law-we will soon understand why grace is the only answer to the question of doing good works.
While Deuteronomy make it abundantly clear the blessing and special privilege it was for the nation Israel to know God's law, there was a flip side to this great asset-one we must never forget. Galatians tells us:. What good does it do to know what needs to be done if we cannot do it? In this case the blessing becomes a curse. Because we are unable "to do them.
The curse comes in the doing-because we cannot do.