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Email Address never made public. Blog at WordPress. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. I started doing it when I started my first ever marathon training log and I just kept going. Neither am I particularly elegant.
A short race is too quiet. But kms is loud. I have been well and truly bitten by the ultra-running bug, especially off-road. I have a miler coming up, the South Downs Way , and I cannot wait. Chris wondered: "Will everybody have a second?
Even somebody as young, as spry, as fit and as fine fettle as you are? As stated on the NHS website, the vaccine is currently being offered to people most at risk from coronavirus.
But Chris was absolutely appalled that his pal had been the victim of such messages and demanded to know who they were from. While Vassos was reluctant to name drop on-air, he revealed some people were angry that a fit and healthy year-old had been chosen before others in an older age demographic had been given their jab in other areas of the country. Instead, he just said "people," to which Chris responded: "People Who has said things to you?
Vassos sighed as he explained: "We've had a few texts in and you say it to people that you've had your jab and you think, 'Well surely once you've got your text to go to for your jab But the amount of messages did leave a niggling feeling in the back of his mind that maybe he should have rang the doctors surgery to check if they had the details correct, after a clerical error saw year-old Political Editor Liam Thorp at the Liverpool Echo, called for his vaccination.