Protection uses it to increase their damage mitigation, while Holy uses it to supplement their Holy Shocks. Wowpedia Explore. Main Page All Pages.
World of Warcraft. Classic Vanilla The Frozen Throne Reforged. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Holy Power. View source. Originally Posted by vsetoq. Yes, the issue I was talking about is the flipping part.
So how can I work around it? And thank you again for your feedback. Anyway, thanks for all the input and effort, I apreciate it :. All times are GMT. The time now is AM. Report Links. Retribution Paladin Rotation Guide - Shadowlands 9. Table of Contents Quick Facts. Comments Comment by jnimo This page is ful of many ads and also have many important data for the readers. Comment by Kyalawebb Do any of you even play Ret Pally on a daily basis?
There is so much detail missing with the thousands of pages of bs you have I been studying up on other classes with the new changes and wanted to see how well my main classes spec is and i must say I can't trust any of these guides now Comment by jules seems as if the creator of this guide doesn't play ret pally very much. Why the lack of mention that you WANT to use divine storm procs to build crusade stacks? There's no mention of that. Pooling resources is so important to ret DPS considering the 1.