How many people live in ringwood hampshire

The percentage of residents in Ringwood rating their health as 'very good' is less than the national average. These statistics are for the highest level education obtained by the residents of Ringwood and are from the UK Census of Since Ringwood has a higher level of residents born in the UK than the national average and a lower rate of residents either born in other EU countries or outside the EU, it does not have a significant immigrant population.

Social grade is a classification based on occupation and it enables a household and all its members to be classified according to the job of the main income earner. The population of Ringwood as a whole, is older than the national average. The population of Ringwood is also older than the Hampshire average, making Ringwood a older persons location.

Exact matches only. Search in title. Search in content. These statitics are published by the government every years. They are a measure of how likely you are to be a victim of personal or material crime in an area, such as muggings or burglary.

The table below shows ten wards in this area, from the best to the worst. If you are thinking of moving to Ringwood, you want to know if the place is likely to put you on a downward spiral of ill health. We've taken the healh question from the latest census to find out and how Ringwood compares to its neighbouring local authorities.

The English Indices of Deprivation also has health statistics for Ringwood. They measures the risk of premature death and the impairment of quality of life through poor physical or mental health, lovely! The table below shows ten wards in this area, from the best to the worst;. Always looks quite nice, I thought, at least from 20ft up, at 5mph.

Wonder what it's like down there? What it's like is the very epitome of pleasant. You won't find many thrills, much less spills in this pretty market town routinely called among the most expensive in Britain.

The magnificent Ringwood Brewery is as racy as it gets. Other than that, there's not one remarkable thing. So how come it's so popular with the Lexus class? New Forest one way, beach half an hour the other. And best of all? They get off, like me, at the A roundabout. After a hard day, they want things undemanding. Like Ringwood. Well connected? The train is long gone. So, that's right, gird your loins for the A No, there are no cheeky back routes. Well, one, via Rockford Common.


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